Saturday, December 03, 2005

Tearing down another block... maybe

So, when I was out on a date the other night, I heard a rumor that a section of Albany around Delaware Ave was set to be torn down under imminent domain for a school or state buildings. Does anyone know if a) such a rumor is true and b) if so, what block they are planning to do this to? I'm going to try to contact some friends who know the higher-ups in Albany, but I'm not terribly patient, so if anyone has info, please email me.


Hobbit said...

Thanks for the info Libby! A friend of mine was worried about the entire demolishment of the homes and was curious about it in respect to preserving architecture in the home like fireplaces, etc.. and I thought it'd make a juicy article if it panned out. But I rest better knowing the rumor was false!

Anonymous said...


Carl said...

Sounds like a few different projects may be getting confused. There is a plan to redevelop the Morton Avenue area (Park South), where eminent domain was being spoken of but last article I saw indicated the city was shying away from its use there. In addition, PS 18, which is off Delaware and straddles a city block (but doesn't take up an entire block) between Bertha and Hurlbut, has been torn down and is being replaced with an entirely new school building. I don't know about the Eden Park proposal.